Saturday, September 19, 2009

Aloe Vera has been used by different cultures for its medicinal benefits. It has been called potted physician, wonder plant, wand of haven, Natures silent healer, plant of life. Ancient Egyptians saw it as an enhancer of physical beauty. No surprise, then, that Cleopatra is reputed to have bathed in it before charming Mark Anthony!More recently in Aloe Vera history Gandhi was asked, during his long fasts, how he maintained his strength. He is said to have credited the aloe plant!

Muslims who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca are entitled to hang an Aloe plant over their doors as a talisman against evil.
ALOE VERA is a succulent plant that looks like a cactus. it actually belongs to the Lilly family!
You may know it as kumari, korphad,ghee kanwar etc.

Out of over 300 species of Aloe Vera, there are probably only 3 or 4 with medicinal properties. Of these, Aloe Barbadensis Miller is the most potent. Gel from the inner leaf can be taken internally or combined with other ingredients to produce topical creams and lotions.
1) Assists in healthy digestion
2) Effect on gut flora
3)Effect on the skin
4) Increases the activity of fibroblasts
5) Anti-inflammatory and pain killing effect
6) A useful source of minerals (when we drink Aloe Vera)
7) A useful source of vitamins.

Aloe and HealthThe pulp of aloe Vera can be utilized in several different ways both internally as well as externally :-
•Aloe Vera can provide the body with those much needed nutrients. It contains more than 75 nutrients including:
•7 essential sugars [Glyconutrients]
•Twelve vitamins
•18 amino acids
•Twenty minerals
•It is very important to use Aloe Barbadensis Miller as this is recognized as being the most potent. Consuming good quality Aloe Vera on a regular basis can do wonders for your health

Aloe Barbadensis (pronounced bar ba den sis) is absolutely the best aloe vera to invest your money in. There are over 200 different species of Aloe in existence, but only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans or animals. Aloe Barbadensis Miller is the most potent and nutritious, with the mature plants bearing the greatest benefits to the skin.
Everyone knows what to put on a burn - Aloe! It turns out that aloe has many more beneficial properties than just as a burn remedy. Modern research reveals that aloe enhances the proteolytic enzyme action in skin tissue. By helping the natural process of cell division and exfoliation, aloe effectively rejuvenates and rebuilds new healthy tissue at an accelerated pace.


Stage 1: Cleansing.
1)Lignin a pulp like substance existing in a formation with cellulose comprising the leaf-gel in aloe Vera. Its presence connotes a strong ability to penetrate human skin. Digs up to 3rd layer of the skin.

2)Saponins are soapy like substance which flushes the toxins out of the body.Saponin provide cleansing, antiseptic capability and are superb saponifying agents for natural subsiding in such cosmetics as shampoos.

Stage 2: Nourishment.
Vitamins, Minerals and Amino acids are naturally found in aloe Vera which helps in provides nourishment to the body.

Stage 3: Therapeutic.
Enzymes are naturally found in Aloe Vera which helps in digesting food easily.
Anthraquinones is a Natural pain killer found in aloe Vera. It has Stillors which helps in killing pains.

Aloe Vera Side Effects Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a medicinal substance. Although, side effects of aloe vera are rare they can occur. Aloe vera can be used by almost anyone and without consulting a doctor, but in certain cases a doctor should be consulted before using aloe vera. In most cases aloe vera can be used and be beneficial.

Aloe Vera Uses
The general benefits of aloe vera are varied. It can benefit a person both externally and internally. The studies and research into the healing powers of aloe vera are on going and more uses for this plant are sure to be found. This power packed plant provides so many essential minerals, vitamins and substances that the human body needs and its ability to heal has long been known to those who practice home remedies.

Good health starts with healthy digestion, good nutrition and aloe juice.

If the cells are healthier, quality of life is greater. Aloe Juice assist symptoms of: Arthritis, Asthma, Acne, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, High Cholesterol, Ulcers, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Constipation, Eczema, Rheumatism, Digestive complaints, Colds and Flu, Burns, Sun Burn, Liver Toxicity, Gastric Conditions.


Before buying aloe vera gel look for this ratings

1)International Aloe science council

2)Kosher rating.

3)Islamic rating.

Thia ensures that Aloe vera gel you are buying is the purest.


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